Blvd Co
Summary: Blvd Co is a direct to consumer brand, creating furniture designed to grow with their consumers shifting needs. The branding and the website needed to reflect the brands core target segment, millennials in their 20s and early 30s, who are no longer kids. They’re working, living in big cities (often in smaller apartments), moving in with significant others and maybe even starting families. Their lives are evolving, moving onward and upward. They need furniture that grows with them.
Solution: Collaborated on the development of a visual & typographic language that reflects the modularity/adaptability of the couch.
Developed an eCommerce website that reflects the youthful brand positioning by creating playful interactions, interactive tools to build a your own couch, a streamlined process for requesting swatch samples from a comprehensive catalog (a primary selling point of the brand)
Developed memorable copy that evokes playfulness/humor.
Role: Branding, Strategy, UX Design & Art Direction
Branding Agency: CROSBY
Photography: Genevieve Garruppo
Shopify Development: Jenny Liu
Branding Agency: CROSBY
Photography: Genevieve Garruppo
Shopify Development: Jenny Liu